Thursday, January 28, 2016

#1:A Short List of Techniques You Can Do Right Now To Boost Your Sales! THIS WEEK!

agents marketers - #1:A Short List of Techniques You Can Do Right Now To Boost Your Sales! THIS WEEK!
I hope that you take these tips/rebuttals and use them to your advantage. I also wish you much success in your business ventures. Now about the information you are going to read, I put these tips together so that
you can be prepared for any situation on a sale. Because the most important goal for any salesman is to close the deal and we all know the best feeling is walking away from a sale with that check or account number in your hand as you get in your car.

Now Let's Begin!

I have rules that I tell all of my team members before they start selling and I'm going to give those same tips to you. Because if you been on my website my ultimate goal is to have my team be successful. Anyhow here are those rules.

Self Confidence

If you don't have it your sales will suffer big time. The goal is to close the sale, but one of your objectives to reaching that goal is to appear as an equal to the prospect. So dress for success, talk yourself up in the mirror, read self-help books, start working out, etc... You must be an EXPERT!

Have A Game plan

Meaning, do not go into a sale without knowing what you're going to sell beforehand or ask questions you don't know the answer to. So if you sell merchant accounts you always know what you're going to sell, POS systems. That being said, you can still go into the sale asking questions that you know the answer to so you are in control of the meeting while sticking to your game plan and what you want to talk about. Now if you're in insurance sales don't go into a meeting blind. Even if it's a warm lead you should know I'm going to push annuities or term to a healthy man in his late 30's.

Everybody is unique BE BOLD!

What I am talking about here is every salesman is going to promise the world to each of his prospects: Mr. and Mrs. Doe I will guarantee you that you will get the best customer service from me... Every prospect hears that and thinks, yeah right! Also it makes you seem like your too eager and almost pleading or begging for their business. Don't try to be a comedian and their friend. They called you over to the meeting because they were interested in some product you have. So treat it that way act like a professional and get down to business like a doctor would. Prospects want your professional opinion just like that from a doctor. So as they express their concerns sit there like a doctor and go uh huh uh huh. Sounds crazy, but you have to be the expert here. Not just another sleazy salesman.

Once you guys have those things down and your presentations down like the back of your hand you can implement the rebuttals I want to go over later.

Now I just want to say I'm not going to teach you to sound like a robot and say; Okay Mr. Doe I understand, I can see where you're coming from, I agree, or I get what you're saying.

All these statements are agreeing with telling you NO and why on earth would you agree to saying No to a sale?

This goes back to being bold; don't agree with customers when it comes to closing the sale. You have to be bold enough to say no that's what is going to separate you from others and make you look more like an expert or doctor like I used in the earlier example.


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