Saturday, February 17, 2018

#1:Top Ten Tips For A Successful Insurance Agency Blog

#1:Top Ten Tips For A Successful Insurance Agency Blog

Why take the time to create and maintain an insurance agency blog? There are many benefits to blogging, from showcasing agency expertise, to improving insurance agency search engine optimization. Suffice it to say, an insurance agency website is missing a vital component if it lacks a blog. Here are ten important tips to ensure your agency deploys a successful insurance agency blog:

1. Be Consistent - Publish at least one blog a week, and do it every week. Gaps impact credibility for both your readers and your insurance search engine optimization.

2. Speak To Your Audience - It's about them, not you. What topics interest them? What impacts their businesses?

3. Vary Content Fulfillment - Blogs should include complimentary digital content when possible. This might include a link to a video, and infographic, a webinar, a case study, or new regulations (ACA, OSHA, etc.).

4. Don't Make It About Insurance - I can save you money on your commercial insurance is not the type of blog that agencies should publish. As noted in Tip #2, stick with topics that will interest your target market.

5. Educational, Timely, Elucidating - The more educational your content, the better your insurance agency blog. Focus on regulations, updates, news and interesting topics relating to your readers. Make sure each blog includes a "knowledge nugget", a valuable take away that your reader will remember.

6. Leverage Social Media - Whenever you post a blog, make sure you share it on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+.

7. Include Social Media Sharing Icons - Make it easy to share your blogs by including "chiclets" (sharing icons) at the bottom of every blog.

8. Don't Just Blog, Vlog - A short video or recorded webinar can be used to make a great blog. These look very professional when sharing on social media.

9. Include Images - Blogs always look more professional when an image is included. Images make blogs more likely to be read.

10. Make It Easy To Find - Make sure your blog is easy to find on your insurance website. At a minimum, have your blog accessible from your main navigation, but it's even better if it's also accessible from a Call To Action button on your home page.

An insurance blog provides owners, agents and producers with a great opportunity to showcase expertise. Many agencies can blog on their own, utilizing their internal staff. Those that lack the time or resources, can outsource their blogging to a proficient insurance agency marketing firm.


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