Tuesday, February 13, 2018

#1:Talk To Your Agent Before It's Too Late

#1:Talk To Your Agent Before It's Too Late

Rising health care costs coupled with an ever increasing litigious society has made insurance needs more important than ever. To be sure, there isn't a cheaper way to protect yourself then calling your insurance agent and setting up a free review of your policies. Having specialized in insurance almost half of my life, I come across a lot of people who have had the same coverage for 10 plus years and have never met their
agent. This should be a cause for concern that you are leaving yourself unprotected.

By meeting with your agent one-on-one, he or she can review everything you currently have and explain all of the coverage options and their purposes. There are several things to consider: Is there any additional coverage I need? How high are the limits? What about deductibles? Have premium costs changed and am I getting the best deal? Am I getting all of the discounts that I am eligible for?

There are so many different options available it can get pretty confusing trying to figure out what you need or don't need. Without the help of an agent, this could take hours trying to research. Moreover, an insurance professional will be able to also guide you by experience and afford you the peace of mind knowing that you're covered the best and most economical way possible.

If your agent can help you get better coverage for little to no cost, that always makes the decision to protect yourself easier. However, don't be afraid to spend a little to better your coverage because. You're not just protecting yourself now-you are protecting your future as well. A single bad insurance claim could affect the rest of your life when you consider the fact that the average death claims is more than a half a million dollars just for a single person. In my experience, most cannot afford to simply write check for a claim that large nor have I met anyone who wanted to write a check for that amount!

An insurance review doesn't have to be time-consuming, involved work. A single meeting (or even phone call) with your agent can help make sure that fully understand your coverage and are comfortable that your limits meet your current needs. You have a lot to lose so please take a moment out of your busy schedule and do yourself a favor by setting up a time to look over everything, you will be glad you did.


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