Tuesday, February 20, 2018

#1:Agency or Producer Lead Generation - Who Should Prime the Pump?

#1:Agency or Producer Lead Generation - Who Should Prime the Pump?

Who is responsible to prime the pump and fill the top of the funnel? Many agencies and brokers expect their sales team to cold call, network, and send emails to build their own pipeline, and fill the top of the funnel. It reminds me of the old slogan, "Let your fingers do the walking". The slogan referred to the Yellow Pages, the omnipresent database of the time. Regardless of the database used, be it the online Yellow Pages, Google
Pages, or an internally generated prospect list, the question still remains. Who is responsible to fill the pipeline, and what's the most likely path to success.

Today insurance lead generation encompasses many new tools to help producers prospect, including eMarketing, Social Media Marketing, Blogging and Web Seminar Marketing, in addition to traditional cold calling and networking. Agencies and brokers must also add their website to this mix of tools, as many broker websites are out of date, difficult to navigate, and are not mobile compliant. The mobile compliance issue is very significant, as mobile searches are now exceeding PC based searches.

Many producers find these new web marketing tools, and in general the lead generation aspect of their jobs, to be arduous and challenging. That's why so many producers fail, they are not insurance lead generation machines, nor are they savvy insurance web marketers. The results are self-evident, insufficient qualified prospects at the top of the sales funnel, usually translates into inadequate results at the bottom of the funnel.

A better path to success for many agencies and brokers begins with a comprehensive and consistent insurance marketing and lead generation program, providing producers with an influx of quality prospects, so they can spend more time selling and less time prospecting.

Why don't more agencies invest in these types of programs?

    * They lack the internal resources necessary to execute these marketing initiatives
    * They plan on doing this type of marketing and lead gen, but never seem to find the time to get it done
    * They believe in doing business the old-fashioned way (I built my own pipeline and you can too)
    * They over invest in sales and under invest in marketing and lead generation
    * They tried it once and it didn't work
    * They tried a short pilot program and didn't see an immediate ROI

These are just a few of the reasons many agencies and brokers are unable to accomplish their insurance lead generation and top line growth goals. Regardless of the reasons, agency owners and executives should review current and past producer performance and determine if it's time to refine their insurance marketing and lead generation programs, to improve the path to success for their producers specifically and their businesses in general. Agencies, brokers and wholesalers lacking the knowledge and skills necessary to undertake these marketing and lead generation initiatives can seek assistance outsourcing assistance from proficient insurance marketing agencies as a viable alternative to internal staffing.


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