Thursday, January 28, 2016

#1:The Role of an Independent Insurance Agent

agents marketers - #1:The Role of an Independent Insurance Agent
As an independent insurance agent, your focus is serving your client - helping them find the insurance policy that fits their lifestyle, needs and budget best. In order to do so, you must listen and understand your client.
You are not necessarily determining their needs and finding the policy that is best for them; your job is more than that. You need to listen and understand your client's needs, educate them about insurance products and help them make educated decisions about the policy they need to protect their life. You want to educate and empower them to make the best decision about what insurance products they need. Think of it this way. If you market and sell only auto insurance, you are only selling to people who know they need auto insurance. But, if you create a market for your agency with all of your insurance lines, educated people on how they need insurance for each investment they own, they will then see that they need more than just the auto insurance they thought they needed. Educating your clients on insurance is the best way to expand your agency and show people the lines of insurance that they genuinely need, but had no idea about.

Some ways to educate your clients, expand your market, and brand your agency are:

1. Create A Website- A website that is well designed and full of information is the best way to educate people about your agency. In today's world, every business is on the internet; it is how people shop for things. Once you have created a website that is attractive, contains pictures, has a quote form and full of insurance information, you must maintain it. Keep your website up to date with relevant information and announcements. Also, an insurance blog should be kept up to date each week, focusing on an insurance topic that your clients would enjoy to read. Your blog will allow people to find you your website easily and it helps you establish yourself as an authority.

2. Social Media - On social media posts, there isn't a need to go into great detail on insurance topics; use your blog for that. However, leave small insurance guidelines on your personal and/or agency accounts. It is best to create a Facebook/twitter/etc. business profile and "like it" from your personal page. You can have interactions between the two profiles so your clients will be able to see a face behind the name of your agency, and your personal friends will be able to see your professionalism and insurance knowledge. Perhaps your friend might like something you post, his cousin sees the status and you gain a client. It has happened and it will continue to happen. Your agency is spreading by digital word of mouth.

3. Advertise to People - The BBB, neighborhood crime watch and general town meetings are a great approach to introduce yourself to the community. Typically you could sponsor the refreshments and do a quick 2-minute introduction of your agency (remember, you will not be selling, you should be educating).

4. Community Involvement - Sponsor a booth at the neighborhood carnival or buy an ad in the high school football program. Advertise your agency in the community so you are known. If you have a booth and are able to distribute materials, make sure to include a line that points to your blog/website for reference.

5. Drive traffic to your office - Sponsor a high school car wash in your office parking lot. If a client comes in for a 10 minute consultation, they get a free car wash. Be sure to donate money to the organization that worked the car wash and include your branding on anything that is given out.


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