Thursday, January 28, 2016

#1:Seven Simple Reasons Why Every Insurance Agency Should Blog

agents marketers - #1:Seven Simple Reasons Why Every Insurance Agency Should Blog
Many industry experts say that great insurance agency marketing begins with a quality insurance agency blog. Agents and brokers that do not blog consistently (at least once a week), are missing a big opportunity to
impress prospects and clients, and to help improve the effectiveness of their insurance agency websites. Here are seven simple reasons that agencies should have a quality blog:

Drive Website Traffic: A blog, preferably with original content, helps drive clients and prospects to your insurance agency website. It gives them a reason to visit, and a reason to stay.
Convert Traffic Into Leads: Quality blogs will help convert visitors into interested prospects. Prominent and professional "Calls To Action" will help agents glean prospect information and increase inbound inquiries.
Establish Credibility: Your agency can demonstrate expertise by offering timely and topical blog content. High quality blogs answer common questions prospects and customers might have. For example, what's the latest PPACA ruling on bronze plans, what is the impact of CSA scoring on fleet management, or what is the difference between group captive and partially self insured plans. If you're consistently creating content that's helpful for your target customer, it'll help establish you as an expert in your field.
Content Baseline: Use your agency blog to share or repurpose your content in many ways. Send the blog link to prospects, leverage the blog in eMarketing campaigns, share the blog with social media, join and create groups on LinkedIn and post your content to these groups. Original content will help carry your brand and messaging to thousands of prospects.
Convert to Case Studies, Online Publishers and Vlogs: A succinct blog can be converted into a one page case study, 400 word article or even a recorded video. This repurposed content further extends your messaging, expertise and audience. Agents and brokers can increase inbound leads from articles they've written and published, after converting the articles from their blogs. Agencies can convert blogs into other content, including recorded videos (recorded webinars for example). These can then be posted to YouTube for even greater market reach.
Improve Insurance SEO: Blogs help improve insurance search engine optimization. Your original content is indexed by search engines such as Google and Bing, and helps prospects find your insurance agency website through organic searches.
Insurance Website Stickiness: Blogs can and should be one of your most visited website areas, with the longest visit duration on your website. Website visitors impressed with a blog, will be impressed with your agency expertise. Showcase your agency expertise with a timely, topical and relevant blog.

Some agencies lack the time or resources to create a consistent and professional blog. In these cases they can outsource this important marketing initiative to a proficient insurance agency marketing firm.


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