Thursday, January 28, 2016

#1:Insurance Agency Blogs Should End With a Bang Not a Whimper

agents marketers - #1:Insurance Agency Blogs Should End With a Bang Not a Whimper
I often say that great insurance marketing starts with a good insurance blog. However, if your blog posts have a weak ending you are not optimizing the full marketing value of your insurance blog. Conclusions for
blog posts are often misused, under-appreciated or ignored entirely. A good blog post ending will be short, engaging and inspire your reader to perform an action.

Get to the Point

Too many writers meander when concluding a post. It is clear to anyone who reads the blog that the writer isn't sure who to wrap things up. Summarize the key points, be pithy and then drop the mike and leave the stage.

Be Engaging

The purpose of an insurance blog specifically and insurance web marketing in general, is to create a relationship with your readers. Think of it like a first date. When a date ends, you don't just walk away and leave the person standing there. You might make a joke, an insightful comment or offer a compliment. Hopefully your date will like you, consider it memorable (in a positive way), and want to see you again.

If you'd like your readers to want to see your blogs again, you can:

Ask an insightful question that encourages them to think about your topic

Challenge the reader to respond to an opinion you offered in the post

Offer a new way to think about the material you presented

Make the reader think about the information you provided instead of just reading it passively and moving on. Make them want to interact with you or discuss the topic with others and you have become memorable.

Inspire Action - Call To Action

If you become memorable to a reader then you have accomplished the first step in creating a successful relationship. The next step is to inspire the reader to perform an action. Using the dating analogy, you may invite your date to tweet you, friend you on Facebook, or ask for another date. For a blog post, you want to:

Ask readers to share the post on social media

Encourage readers to contact you with questions

Offer a complimentary service such as a coverage gap analysis or a compliance review

You don't have to request the same action in every post. In fact, it is better if you use different calls to action, depending on the theme of the post and your goals. Then readers will see it as a legitimate request and not a sales tactic.

So be pithy, be memorable and inspire readers to engage with your call to action at the end of your blog posts and you will have a great start to an effective insurance web marketing and content marketing initiative.


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